Cycling down to Kiama

A few weeks ago I went with Span on a cycling trip from Macquarie to Kiama.

This is a great trip, you catch the train to Macquarie for the start then ride through beautiful rolling hills to the Robertson Hotel for the night. Actually those hills tended to roll far more up than down, but it meant dinner was really appreciated!


Cockatoo Island, Sydney Harbour’s Working History

On the weekend I joined up with a photographic shoot with the Sydney photography forum group on Cockatoo Island. The island has been used for various ship-building and convict activities since around 1850 and there was lots of equipment in various states of rust and disrepair and interesting building. For some reason, I find aging metal has the most beautiful colours. The Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority is in the process of restoring it. In the meantime it has just been reopened, things aren’t yet fenced off so it is the perfect time to have a look.


Read more about the article Rocks Coffee Festival, a fun day out
This year, tea spice and coffee - good extras!

Rocks Coffee Festival, a fun day out

Along with what seems like half of Sydney, I figure I should add my entry about the ever enjoyable; Rocks Coffee festival.

This year, tea spice and coffee – good extras!

Once more, it was time again for the Rocks Coffee


SRI rice, why is development so confusing!

Today I received a regular magazine I receive as a supporter of Oxfam in Australia. Recently the magazine has been focussing more and more on Africa and regions of Australia where my interests lie in Asia and the Mekong delta. This issue though had a really positive sounding article about the how a new way of growing rice, System of Rice Intensification, is being used in Cambodia.

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Romulas, my father

I just finished watching Romulas, my father. Definitely not a film to watch if you are feeling down, but a really strong portrayal of what life was like for early…

Read more about the article Fox farmers market
At Fox markets

Fox farmers market

After hearing about it for ages I finally decided to have a look at the Fox farmer market. It isn't huge, but it isn't over crowded, the produce is really…