I didn’t have much time, but the castle seemed a beautiful place to look at, so I was off with my newly acquired subway pass…

I have mastered the Osaka subway system now, it is so simple; 5 lines which are different colours. All the stations are numbered so you have a sense of how far to go before you reach your stop even if you can’t recognize the name. When combined with how incredibly helpful everyone is, it is a very easy place travel.
I walked out of the station, to a real surprise, the cherry blossoms were still in flower!

I walked through the park to the castle, i could hear some Tenko drumming, which a group of schoolgirls were doing some sort of cheerleader practice too – a strange mix. The park is beautiful, and like most of Japan, clean; not in a Swiss clinical sort of way, but more people just don’t seem to litter very much.

It is great to see lots of Japanese enjoying the park as well, some obviously at lunch, others just walking around.

Osaka castle was huge, it was built by a very wealthy Shogun and it shows. inside was a bit of the history you expect and a display of Samarui swords and armor – the swords were much shorter than I would have thought, but they still look VERY sharp!

The view from the top is great.

I hadn’t known what to expect from Japan, but I certainly didn’t expect it to be this beautiful.

Time for another coffee….

Ps. For a country that a quarter of the population wear masks they still allow smoking in cafe’s 🙁
That last pic is classy enough to be a Mac add!!!