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The start line

First Trail Run Race

I love hiking in beautiful places and running so I decided to try combining them to see if is the perfect mix? Spoiler - it is!

I made it!

Noosa Marathon is done! My time was 4:17:56 It was definitely hard, but I have done hikes that were much harder on my body. I ran out of sugar during…

Sydney Half Marathon

Today was the day for the Sydney Half Marathon, even though this was by far my best training I had a lousy race…. 

The weather was absolutely perfect, could not be better, around 16 degrees and clear. The start was more crowded than I remember and I really couldn’t get my rhythm. The same kept happening for most of the next hour, I always have a dead patch between around 55 and 65 minutes, today was no different. I had to have my first gel at only around 40 minutes!
