I always try to go to things on around Sydney every month or so. Tonight I went along to the Opera House Studio to see some modern Japanese dance, not quite right, by the Strange Kinoko Dance Company.

This evening was a great new idea at the Opera Studio, a social night, it is meant to be a night for people to come and not feel self conscious if they went by themselves. i am perfectly happy to go to things by myself anyway but this worked perfectly. A really fun night with a group of others to sit down and have a drink with afterwards, without all the normal Sydney pretension…

The performance was fantastic, a kind of mix of straight modern dance and Japanese absurd humour, western dance takes itself so seriously you rarely laugh when watching it , this was completely the opposite. The whole show was performed on oversized, really brightly coloured, kitchen furniture – a simple set that had lots of options with – it really felt like the performers had fun as well! (A quick sample )

My rating, 4 stars.

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