Day 2 – In Tokyo

Tokyo Monday, 4 July 2011

My first day back in Tokyo, nothing structured here – just my thoughts…

Down the street in Tokyo…

Where did I pick for the first day, something I normally don’t like but when I’m Japan I have to fit into the national pastime, shopping 🙂

I’m writing this sitting in a small yakitori bar in West Shinjuku in the sweltering heat drinking a very welcome beer… Back in Asia!

I need to get a map for Kamikochi and I had quite a surprise – outdoor gear shops are everywhere. I had heard outdoors is ‘in’ in Japan and there it certainly is. After all of this gear I’m really looking forward to the mountains.

I started with a great experience, my Credit card didn’t work, thank Qantas for your over the time fraud detection – next time a phone call before blocking all purchases please.

I had a quick visit to the Metropolitan government building, what a fantastic view!

The shopping is very different to Australia , the prices are so cheap and the range is dramatically bigger than we get in Australia – the advantage of 130 million in such a small spot. And then after the shoo, so many Incredible deserts – yum..

The other thing of course in Shinjuku; people, people absolutely everywhere – not a place to be claustrophobic.

I’m missing a zoom lens, next time I will bring one.

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