A couple of weeks ago M and I decided to pack our bikes for a short ride just North of Brisbane. I had heard of another Rail Trail from Caboolture that I hadn’t been to which looked pretty good. It was a little short though so added another 8 or 9 km on gravel through the Glasshouse Mountains Conservation Park State Forrest. The path was still only about 30km each way, stopping at D’Aguilar for lunch, perfect for an easy day.

The rail trail lived up to the reputation, really smooth and easy riding, we even saw wheelchairs out there!

The track is interesting and shows some of the history of the area; various attempts at farming until settling into forestry, as it is today.It is always good when some of the original rail and equipment are left in place, often they are lost to time.

Caboolture to Wamuran Rail Trail

The rail trail was very short, I was pretty happy that I had chosen to extend it. After a brief side road with a great view of the Glasshouse Mountains along with a, far too recently exited, snake skin, it was into the gravel section.

The Glasshouse Mountains are close by.

In normal weather this 10ish km would be a breeze, but we have had rain, never-ending months of rain. It was a mud bath and M is really not keen on mud – many detours, pushing of a bike and cursing followed. I loved the trail 🙂

What should have been about 30 minutes became about 90 minutes, but the forest was interesting and worth the side trip. A pair of really beautiful Funeral Cockatoos (Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos) stayed around watching us for quite a while, they have a beautiful call – nothing like the white ones!

Only a few hundred meters to go around the final bend then something missing in front of us, a HUGE sinkhole had opened and basically swallowed up most of the road, this was easily 10 meters across. Luckily the council had started working and had dug a bit of a track around it, otherwise, it would be a very, very, long ride back. Finally, we found the exit, with a sign saying the track was closed!

After a well-earned lunch at D’Agular, we rode back down the highway….

Into The Forrest

Part of the reason for the trip was to test how M went with overnight clothes on her bike, easily done…

Absolutely a worthwhile trip with a bit of mud.

The Map

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