Although Tokyo is easily one of the most crowded cities I’ve been in there are some beautiful places away from the city really not very far out of town.

This gate has been here a very long time.

Today we were spoilt by an old school friend of M’s being a tour guide. She picked us up from Yokohama station and gave us the luxury of a car for the day. We headed to a temple area about 45 minutes away called Kamakura.

The area contains the usual assortment of beautiful buddhist temples and giant buddhas, One particularly stood out.

Amita-Buddha,Daibutsu or Great Buddha; cast in 1252 it is 13.35 metres high.

The gardens around the area are really stunning, beautiful and lush, it’s very easy to spend lots of time talking around there.

Kamikura Gardens

To finish the day we jumped on the monorail down to Odaiba for something both M and have been sorely missing in Australia; a relaxing stretch in a super hot Onsen. Oedo Onsen Monogatari is a mini theme park with the idea of an old Edo village, despite being a theme park it is really done very well. It’s very easy to imagine you are in a small village a couple of hundred years ago, none of the over top chince of somewhere like Asakusa. Of course, a soak at 42 degrees in a cool spring night is hard to beat.

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