Sydney Half Marathon

Today was the day for the Sydney Half Marathon, even though this was by far my best training I had a lousy race…. 

The weather was absolutely perfect, could not be better, around 16 degrees and clear. The start was more crowded than I remember and I really couldn’t get my rhythm. The same kept happening for most of the next hour, I always have a dead patch between around 55 and 65 minutes, today was no different. I had to have my first gel at only around 40 minutes!



On the plane on the final leg back to Sydney. As I think everyone does, I always have mixed feelings coming home. A bit of sadness for the trip being…

Read more about the article To old Japan, Kyoto…
The Golden Pavilion. Rokuon-Ji Temple

To old Japan, Kyoto…

Back to how it must have felt a couple of centuries ago, Kyoto... Probably everyone knows this, but if not, Kyoto was the capitol before Tokyo, and there are many…

In the hills with the monkeys…

Today we took an old single track train up into the hills behind Kyoto to Arishiyam. The old narrow guage railway is a nice way up to the mountains Flickr…

Read more about the article Yokohama…
Flowers are everywhere


Back to 'civilisation' for a night in Chinatown followed by Karaoke. When in Rome.....Yokohama feels great, much nicer than Tokyo where everyone tries to not stand out. On Yokohama it…

Read more about the article Hot springs in Hakone
This one is green tea!

Hot springs in Hakone

Hot springs in a mountain forest, need I say more... This one is green tea! While Tokyo is as built up as you would expect, an hour and a half…

Read more about the article Shibuya, party town
To be seen!

Shibuya, party town

I am back to liking Japan again, lots of colour , smiles, people enjoying themselves - Shibuya is fun! Masako was keen to make the most of the clothes shopping…

Read more about the article Tokyo here we come!
The Fuji TV building.

Tokyo here we come!

Off to Tokyo on the Shinkansen, the Bullet Train. Fairly empty streets These trains are fantastic, the seats are really comfortable , the ride is really smooth. Despite how fast…

Read more about the article Osaka Castle
Part of many rock gardens

Osaka Castle

I didn't have much time, but the castle seemed a beautiful place to look at, so I was off with my newly acquired subway pass... Part of many rock gardens…

Read more about the article Disaster!!!
Downtown Osaka


Today started in a really hectic way, trying to organise a train ticket, trying work out where I wanted to go and how to get there, no decent coffee yet......…

Off to Japan…

It’s off to the airport and then off to Osaka!

I have no idea what to expect from Japan, somehow I think it will be completely different to anywhere I’ve been before – Asia or the West… In 13 hours I will know 🙂

We are flying over Mackay, central Queensland. The water colour is a beautiful light blue and you can easily see the beaches from here. Masako’s idea of moving back to Brisbane is beginning to sound more and more appealing. Even better as we go further up, the reef Islands just look incredible.
