Read more about the article Hiking The Magome-Tsumago Trail in in the rain
This old waterwheel was beautiful

Hiking The Magome-Tsumago Trail in in the rain

The Magome-Tsumago trail in the Kiso Valley is an original postal route in the Nagano Provence, the towns have been maintained in a mostly original state. Walking through the path passes through some beautiful forest, some original cobblestones and a bit of bitumen to remind you of modern times.

The day I walked from Magome to Tsumago was a rainy, cold day – it is easy to imagine what it was like to travel the hundreds of kilometres on foot as people once did.



A lesson learnt this trip, don’t come to Japan in June, Tokyo is extremely hot and wet but most of the mountains are still covered in snow and not able to be climbed.

I wanted to go back into the Northern Alps but pretty much every route I investigated I eventually reached someone in the area and they told me  that the route is still closed. It was in one of those research sessions that I came across the Otame-Ginza route from Nagano.

Northern Alps from Enzansō


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Matsumoto Castle is one of the best preserved in Japan.

Over The West, Here Come The Alps

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Tuesday, 5 July 2011

I have just made a note to myself, don’t come to Tokyo in July!

9.00 am I glanced at the thermometer, already 35 degrees, I can’t wait for the cool of the Alps in a couple of days…


Read more about the article In Tokyo
Down the street in Tokyo...

In Tokyo

Day 2 - In Tokyo Tokyo Monday, 4 July 2011 My first day back in Tokyo, nothing structured here - just my thoughts... Down the street in Tokyo... Where did…